Baltimore Area Council Scout Show Patches

Thumbnail Item Bkgd Border Edge Text Shape FDL Description
1958 Button Exposition 1958 round Pinback button with shifting design; 64mm diameter
1958 Slide Exposition 1958 slide Leather neckerchief slide
Scout-O-Rama 1962 Scout-O-Rama 1962 Yel Yel/Blk N/C Silk-screened neckerchief; “Baltimore Memorial Stadium”
Scout Show 1969 Scout Show 1969 slide Neckerchief slide; clown puzzle
Scout-O-Sphere 1970 Scout-O-Sphere 1970 Org Blu C Red dmnd4 “Diamond Jubilee”; globe
Booster 1970 Booster 1970 Grn Wht C LGr dmnd4 “Scout-O-Sphere Booster”; hand in Scout sign
Scout-O-Sphere 1971 Scout-O-Sphere 1971 Yel Red R Blu/Red hex Globe and “I Was There”; “Timonium Fairgrounds”; patch exists with and without button loop
Participant 1971 Participant 1971 Yel Red R Blu/Red hex M/C “Scout-O-Sphere”; FDLs on globe; “Participant”
Booster 1971 Booster 1971 Yel Org R Blk/Org hex “Scout-O-Sphere”; Tiger on globe; “Booster”
Participant 1972 Participant 1972 Brn Yel R LBl/Yel odd Rounded triangle; “Scout-O-Sphere”; “Participant”
Booster 1972 Booster 1972 Brn LBl R Yel/LBl odd Rounded triangle; “Scout-O-Sphere”; “Booster”
Participant 1974 Participant 1974 Wht Blu R Blu round Yel Bicentennial star logo; “Scout-O-Sphere”; “Participant”
Booster 1974 Booster 1974 Wht Blu R Blu round Yel Bicentennial star logo; “Scout-O-Sphere”; “Booster”
Participant 1975 Participant 1975 Wht Blu R Blu/Red square Wht Stylized flag and tent; “Scouting Expo 75”; “Participant”
Booster 1975 Booster 1975 Wht Blu R Blu/Red square Wht Stylized flag and tent; “Scouting Expo 75”; “Booster”
Exposition 1976 Exposition 1976 Wht Blu R Blu round Flags and council map; “Scouting Bicentennial Exposition”
Booster 1976 Booster 1976 Wht Blu R Red round “Scouting Bicentennial Exposition”; “Booster”
Exposition 1977 Exposition 1977 Blu Yel R Red/Tan square Yel “All Out For Scouting Exposition”
Participant 1977 Participant 1977 Wht Yel R Red hrect “Participant” segment for Expo patch
Booster 1977 Booster 1977 Red Yel R Tan hrect “Booster” segment for Expo patch
Expo 1978 Expo 1978 Yel Yel R Red/Blu oval Yel “Wonderful World of Scouting”; globe
Expo 1978 Expo 1978 Wht Red R Red hrect Yel Silk-screened; globe with slogan; BSA stock
Expo 1979 Expo 1979 Wht Yel R Red square Red “79” with globe
Expo 1980 Expo 1980 Yel Grn R Red dmnd4 LBl Scout program logos; “Expo”
Expo 1981 Expo 1981 LBl Blu R Yel/Blu odd Yel Keystone shape; “Expo”
Salesman 1981 Salesman 1981 LBl Blu C Yel hrect “Salesman” segment fits under keystone
Showman 1981 Showman 1981 LBl Blu C Yel hrect “Showman” segment fits under keystone
Expo 1982 Expo 1982 Yel Org R Red round Org Large FDL and tiny crab; “Expo”
Salesman 1982 Salesman 1982 Yel Wht C Red arc “Salesman” segment fits over Expo patch
Super Salesman 1982 Super Salesman 1982 Yel Wht C Red arc “Super Salesman” segment fits under Expo patch
Expo 1983 Expo 1983 Yel Grn R Red/Blu hrect Grn “Catch the Scouting Spirit”
Expo 1983 Jacket Expo 1983 Jacket Yel Olv R Red/Blu hrect Olv Jacket patch; “Catch the Scouting Spirit”
Expo 1984 Expo 1984 Org Yel R Blk hex Yel “Catch the Scouting Spirit”
Scoutcraft Jubilee 1985 Scoutcraft Jubilee 1985 LBl Red R Blk vrect Yel “Scoutcraft Jubilee”; BSA 75th
Expo 1985 Segment Expo 1985 Segment DGr Yel C Yel arc “Expo ‘85”; segment for BAC customized BSA 75th patch
Scoutcraft Expo 1986 Scoutcraft Expo 1986 LBl Red R Red dome Red “86 Scoutcraft Expo”
Scout Show 1987 Scout Show 1987 Grn Yel R Blk/Yel odd Yel Rounded vertical rectangle; “1987 Scout Show”
Scout Show 1988 Scout Show 1988 Yel Red R Red odd Tan Rounded vertical rectangle; “1988 Scout Show”
Camping Segment 1988 Camping Segment 1988 Yel Red C Red arc “Camper” segment
Scout Show 1989 Scout Show 1989 Wht Tan R M/C odd Tan Angled; “The Adventure Begins…”; Pride of Baltimore
Camping Segment 1989 Camping Segment 1989 Red Tan R Wht odd BBl Angled segment; “I Camped In Paul Bunyan’s Backyard”
Expo 1990 Expo 1990 Tan Grn R Brn/Red odd Gry Woven; Baden Powell; “80 Years of Scouting in the USA”
Camping Segment 1990 Camping Segment 1990 Aqu Grn R Brn/Red hrect Red “Brownsea + 80 Camporee”; “Expo 90 BAC-BSA”
Expo 1991 Expo 1991 LBl Yel R Red/Yel odd Yel Rectangle with rounded top/bottom; “Bridge to the Future”
Sales Segment 1991 Sales Segment 1991 DBl Yel R Red odd Yel “Expo Sales” segment; fits over patch
Camping Segment 1991 Camping Segment 1991 DBl Yel R Red odd Yel “Expo Camporee” segment; fits under patch
Expo 1992 Expo 1992 Wht Yel R Red/Blu shield M/C “An Olympic Adventure”
Sales Segment 1992 Sales Segment 1992 Red Yel C Wht chevron Yel “Expo Sales”
Camping Segment 1992 Camping Segment 1992 Blu Yel C Wht chevron Yel “Olympic Village”
Exposition 1995 Exposition 1995 Wht Pur C Wht/Trq odd Trq Oval with scroll; “Character Counts”
Expo 1997 Expo 1997 Wht Grn C Wht/Red odd Red Oval with scroll; “Scout Expo ‘97”
Expo 2000 Expo 2000 Grn Blk R Tan/Blk oval “Expo 2000”; joint issue with Girl Scouts of Central MD
Expo 2000 Segment Expo 2000 Segment LBl Grn C Red pie “Expo 2000” segment of BAC activity set
Expo 2002 Expo 2002 M/C Yel R Wht oval Yel “Scout Expo 2002”; FDL over US and MD flag designs

The earliest known Baltimore Area Council Exposition was in 1958; there was a Scout-O-Rama at Memorial Stadium in 1962, followed by a number of Loch Raven District Scout-O-Rama events in the late 1960s. The regularly scheduled Baltimore Area Council Scout Shows started in 1969; the event was marked with a plastic neckerchief slide that was a puzzle of a clown. The first patch was issued for the 1970 Scout-O-Sphere.

The 1972 Scout-O-Sphere was in October, and the 1974 Scout-O-Sphere was in May; I suspect that there was no show in 1973 because of the transition from the fall to the spring.

There was a strange run from 1978 through 1987 during which the patch was never the same shape twice.


My needs are highlighted in the item column above. Offers will be enthusiastically welcomed.